Update 19 May 2020 16.45
Last updated on 18 May 2020 at 09.00 (Jakarta GMT + 7 time)
Garuda Indonesia has been carrying out a number of anticipatory steps in following the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, which naturally emphasizes the safety and comfort aspects of flights to both passengers and crew.
Requirements for passengers with flights from and to PSBB region/red zone Indonesia
Garuda Indonesia fully supports government policy through regulation of the Minister of Transportation No. 25 year 2020 concerning transport control during Eid al-Fitr 1441 H in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Refer to SE No 4 year 2020 TASK FORCE ACCELERATION HANDLING of COVID-19, regarding the criteria of restriction of persons travel out or enter the country boundary area and/or administrative area boundary by private vehicle or public transportation means (land, railway, crossing, Sea, and air) throughout Indonesia and refers to the circular letter of the Minister of Health number HK. 02.01/MENKES/313/2020 on the Health protocol handling of Homecoming WNI and FOREIGNERS from abroad at the entrance of the country and in the region in the situation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB). Here are the details of documents that need to be completed by each Garuda Indonesia passengers who will carry out the trip:
1.Travel support letter from institution or related institution
Each passenger must include a travel certificate from the Agency (Government/private) as endorser whose contents explain that the prospective passengers travel is not for homecoming purposes according to the category of passengers who are allowed to travel as follows:
2.Travel Statement letter in order to control the Covid-19 in Indonesia
3.Each passenger who meets the criteria in the category in point number 1 above, must download and fill in the form provided here
4. Personal identification (KTP or other valid identification)
Full information can be viewed here
Firstly, let me introduce myself… My name is GEDE SUYASA and most people just call me GEDE which is pronounced like the English greeting ‘G’day’. With this blog, We offer my clients personally customised tours with each itinerary especially designed to your interests and tastes. Whether it is sightseeing, culture, art, shopping or just cruising around Bali exploring parts of the island you have never seen, I am happy to ensure your journey is relaxing and comfortable for your needs.
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