East Bali Tour

Enjoy the best places to see in Denpasar with a plan including Bali Driver Gede

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hi Gede !

TS Ch’ng - 2010-05-29 04:49:04
Hi Gede! Thanks driving us around during our visit to Bali. Your excellent services help us alot in ensuring a good traveling experience in Bali. Before coming to Bali, we were so worry about the quality of service from our driver as we think it is one of the most important thing to us.

Fortunately, we got you as our driver. Your service is excellent! We experienced a high level proffesionalism in your service, good punctuality and broad knowledge on the Balinese culture and places of interest. Please keep it up!

Again, thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Bali is known as a paradise where there is no violence, no crime, a perfect tropical paradise somehow where the grace of the people is beyond the normal stresses of the regular world.
