East Bali Tour

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Sunday, October 24, 2021

Bali Expected To Welcome Australian Visitors Back In November


Bali is expected to start receiving Australian visitors again in November 2021 as Australian authorities have planned to revoke their travel restrictions.In accordance with a letter that was signed by the Australian Consulate General, Anthea Griffin on October 21st 2021 for Bali Tourism Agency, Australia has planned to start allowing their citizens to travel outside of their country to destinations such as Bali by the 1st of November 2021. Several weeks prior the Australian Ambassador, Penny Williams had sent a similar letter to the Indonesian Tourism Minister in regards to their lifting their travel restrictions.

Griffin confirmed that New South Wales’s authorities will start allowing their fully vaccinated citizens to gain access to Sidney after traveling from outside of Australia without quarantine. Meanwhile the other Australian’s states have been preparing the same reopening plan by reducing or possibly revoking their quarantine policy in the near future when they reach their Covid-19 vaccination target.

Apart from its citizens, Australia will also grant permission to international visitors including Indonesia to gain access back into the country once their border reopens.

“With this leniency, we expect to see the first Australian visitors back in Bali soon as well as finally rekindling the mutual relationship between Australia and Indonesia that was established long ago.” Griffin said. 

Meanwhile the Head of Bali Tourism Agency, Putu Astawa hasn’t announced any statement in regards to this letter. “I can’t give any response to this letter as we haven’t had any communication with the Australian Consulate General, but we’ll let you know at the upcoming press conference.” Astawa concluded.

Source : thebalisun